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The Fatehshernu Community- Inner Circle

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The Fatehshernu Community- Inner Circle

49 ratings

A Life-Long Resource for Men, by Men

In this Age of Degeneracy...
Ugliness is re-defined as 'Beautiful'.
Weakness is called Strength.

Emotional 'Survival' is called 'Brave'.

Women are Applauded no matter what.

Everything is 'celebrated'.

Teenagers are treated as if they're wise.

Aged are dismissed as 'Regressive'.

Historical Heroes have become Villains.

Degenerate, Hypocritical, Virtue Signalling Celebrities are worshipped as Heroes.

Lack of Sincerity fucks up Relationships.

Zero Self Restraint demolishes Health.

Lack of Stirring Ideals encourages an average, uninspired Existence. 

Lack of Grit & Determination leads to Failure & Disappointment.

Porn replaces Romance.

Lust replaces Love.

Rampant Cheating replace Loyalty.

Practical Arrangements replace Deep Relationships.

'Safe Spaces' create Fragile & Soft People.

Today's Education system makes only Literate people (who can read & write)-- not critical thinkers.

Political & Social Correctness creates Fake & Repressed people.

Fake people repressed their true thoughts.

Repression leads to implosion & then 'depression'.

Real Feelings are Buried. 

Real Thoughts are Unspoken. 

Real HeartFelt Desires are Neglected.

No Wonder Depression is Rampant, Relationships are Broken & People are Sick & Unhealthy

Mental diseases such as Entitlement, Lack of Purpose, Indecisiveness, Warped Priorities and a utter Lack of Self-Control is wiping out Men belonging to the current generation.

Never has there been a Time like today, where Men are so spiritually starved. 

Lack of Community, Lack of a Tribe, Lack of Male Mentors/Role Models, Lack of Male Guidance, Lack of TRUE, CLOSE Male Friendships (male friendships are termed 'gay').

Men need other Men in their Lives. A Wife/Girlfriend + Children IS NOT SUFFICIENT. 

Men NEED other Men to lift one another up, to speak direct unfiltered Truth into each other's hearts, to swap notes, to make one another accountable, connect & build things together.

Men DO NOT NEED to purge themselves emotionally, tears of pity, and lady 'counsellors'.

We need Truth, Real Talk, Camaraderie, True, Raw friendship.  

No faster, surer way exists for a Man to Elevate himself--- than to surround himself with other Men, on their own varied journeys to Excellence, raising their own standards-- desperately doing what they can to better themselves, to make the most of themselves and their lives. 

Are you sick and tired of diluting your heartfelt convictions to fit in?-
Let me ask you one question---Do you currently feel like a misfit in the world you're in?

Are you Sick of living an average life, getting by day to day --devoid of fire, devoid of a sense of mission which you know should exists---but isn't?

Does something not feel quite right?

Have you just 'happily come to terms' with your average state of circumstances? Does that make you happy?

I repeat--- Does that make you happy?


“Men become the most powerful versions of themselves by working in concert with other men, bringing everything they have & using it to accomplish more than they could accomplish by themselves”

- Jack Donovan

The most precious gift you can give yourself, my friend-- Is to Become a part of a Community of Men. 

Just Fish need water- To Survive.

Men NEED a Tribe- To Survive, but more Importantly THRIVE. 

Because a Life which is just about getting by & surviving is not a Life.

It's a CURSE.

Welcome to...

The Fatehshernu Tribe, you get :

  • Accountability.
  • Camaraderie & Genuine Exchange.
  • Inspiration.
  • Feedback.
  • A Sense of Belonging.
  • Nuanced Discussion 
  • Brainstorming.
  • Real-Time 24/7 Interaction 
  • Mentorship.
  • Opportunity to be a Mentor to others 
  • Fiercely Politically incorrect discussion on 'taboo' subjects 

Some of the Sentiments echoed consistently via DMs & Emails..

You will probably relate well to some of these feelings…

“Fateh I had the same parents you described in one tweet. Non-present father, a very narcissistic mother.. Think this is why I feel lost. I think my problem stems from not having a father figure. Need to be around other mature men man”

“I just can’t find likeminded people in my life anymore. I want a place where all people push one another towards becoming the best version of themselves”.

“Man I’m in my 20’s. Just looking to learn and network with achievers. Learn some crucial life lessons”

“I have done well for myself. I want to give back now. I want to teach and share lessons with many rudderless young men. I have no real organized place to do this. Also want to make young boys gritty, stoic and persistent in life..who can stand and fight for their values and convictions”.

“Fateh I have everything outwardly. Family, friends, good job. But I’m just not feeling any sense of passion. I struggle with procrastination also. I need someone to push me”

“Just wanting to level up in other areas of my life. Feel this kind of thing would be amazing”

“I want a place where guys would share successes, give insight into their experience and life/business hacks and advice.”

“I want to learn more about intersexual dynamics. How as I man I need to build awareness in today's feminine centric society. Think other Men would be able to guide me well”

“I don’t have anybody in my life who I can bounce of ideas with…Who has the same level of passion & ambition in life as I do”

“I want to help others to also be successful, become rich… and then especially teach them how to responsibly maintain and use that wealth.”

“I would like to feel like I’m a positive part of something greater than myself. Want the satisfaction that comes from giving and not just taking the whole time”

“I’m looking for a sense of masculinity in my life..I don’t know where to start.. What it all means..Feel kinda lost”

“I hold an excellent, high paying job. I enjoy it too..but my family life is strained. Wife & kids don’t respect me. Want to learn how to be a family man from other family men”

“I myself am looking for a place to contribute..I have a deep yearning to contribute perspectives to the next generation. Build them up. Teach them lessons I learned the hard way”

“I want a place to clarify my own mind. I want to understand the true meaning of ‘Masculinity’.

I want to be able to bounce my own ideas back and forth.”

Being a lone wolf will take you only so far….

There is absolutely Nothing Heroic in Isolation.

The isolated individualist is another Disney ideal.

You will never reach your fullest potential being a lone wolf.

Nothing ‘free’ or even slightly ‘Romantic’ about it.

When Isolated :

It’s easy to become blinded to the untold possibilities around us.

• It’s easy to become smug (and comfortable) with our own opinions which remain unchallenged.

• It’s easy to unconsciously shut ourselves off the powerful positive energy around us.

You may feel like the ‘captain of your own soul’, but in reality you're inconsequential.

You shut yourself off from genuine feedback.

You shut yourself from being of value to other men.

You know less of yourself.

Your self created isolation prevents you from becoming what you could be.

Your Self-development gets successfully thwarted.

“In a sea of billions, a man alone is plankton”.

“He is lost and adrift”

Friend… If you aspire to ‘Self Actualisation’…

OR you simply want to take things in your life to the ‘next level’ —

Navigating this world Alone will retard your progress.

This is why you must be a part of a Community of other Driven Men.

Which has a self-contained energy you can use to skyrocket your progress.

The Fatehshernu Community is a Life-Long Resource for Men.  By Men

- If you find yourself diluting your convictions to fit in..

- If you're stuck in a never-ending 'rut', and you can't find a way out

– If you’re struggling with depressive tendencies, undisciplined thoughts, feelings of powerlessness & inadequacy..

– If you’ve never had a mentor, a father figure…

– If you currently don’t have a network of driven men to bounce your fleeting, exciting ideas off to…

– If you’re simply looking to Develop yourself, seeking excellence in all that you do, seeking to actualize your highest masculine potential…

– If you’ve got the knowledge but have a weak spirit or a weak body….If you’re an intellectual nerd but.. a soft, weak man…

– If you’re looking to re-ignite the doused flame of passion which may have once burned in your soul…

– If you’re wishing to Bring purpose, passion, and energy back into your life…

– If you’re desperately hungry for actionable advice from men who’ve learned things the hard way…

– If you’re currently pursuing Truth and pushing the confines of your own mind…

– If you’re looking to a new standard, wanting more out of life…

– If you’re looking to Build Emotional Maturity, Resilience…

– If you’re looking to simply ‘network’ with Men….

– If you’re filled with a burning desire to teach/Inspire other Men and ‘give back’.

– If you’re outwardly successful and looking to become more integrated with other parts of your life

– If you’re now truly ready to lift the shield that you use to protect your ego from Truth and Objectivity

– If Directness, Bluntness, and Tough Love Energize you..

– If Procrastination, Day Dreaming, Indolence, Laziness, worry, and Overthinking haunt you…

– If comfort has enveloped you into discomfort

– If an unfulfilling job suffocates you..

– If the lack of any social or networking skills impedes your progress..

You're at the Right Place. 

It became clear (and is even clearer to me now after the launch of this community) that any effort or endeavor which aims to improve a Man’s Life– is wholly incomplete if that effort fails to address this fundamental need to belong.

Connection. Camaraderie. Accountability. Live, Exchange of Deep Perspectives & lived Experiences.

There’s zero substitutes for these.

All priceless and irreplaceable.

“But you can learn by reading”.

Reading can and does massively expand the Mind.

But being ‘well-read’ & full of ‘deep thoughts’ doesn’t take care of the Accountability aspect.

There’s no raw back and forth exchange of ideas.

• It doesn’t take care of the need to contribute to something greater than yourself.

• It doesn’t take care of fulfilling the need to converse about topics you’re passionate about or want to learn about.

• It doesn’t reignite the lost fire, lost passion—in the same way being around other driven like-minded men does.

Reading by Learning’ is effective but limited. And Insufficient.

The sad truth is most men aren’t able to create their own communities.

Most can’t find ‘liked minded’ driven friends.

Most lack other men in their lives to bounce off ideas, get impartial feedback in real-time.

Men yearn for a community that includes other Men that have the same degree of ambition, passion to learn, the same sense of curiosity, same thirst for knowledge.

Most Men have very few if not no one to share their real, raw, innermost thoughts with.

No one to really bounce off ideas with to get instant feedback in real-time.

Most Men lack a sense of accountability – to push themselves to the next level.

Men need to be part of a ‘Tribe’.

We learn from one another. We also yearn to Share. To Teach, to Inspire, to ‘give back’.

Besides…the ugly reality of today’s ‘progressive, modern society’ i.e the Lack of strong, present fathers + real male friends.

This lack has fucked the lives of Men beyond repair.


1. Live, Self Driven political incorrect Interaction

Share lessons & perspectives you learned the hard way. 

Learn from other driven, like-minded men from all over the world. In a raw uncensored manner. 

Bonds formed online can be forged offline if so desired too. 

You have complete access to other Men on a similar path to becoming the best they can be. 

2. Active Brainstorming and Problem Solving

By understanding the ways of other men who’ve already done what you want to do, you’ll quickly eliminate the learning curve needed to succeed.

3. Opportunity to become a Mentor

Teach other men. Give back. Make a difference. Pay your dues. Men need you. Your voice is needed.

4. Sense of Camaraderie & Belonging

Experience the Energy exchange. That’s what’s irreplaceable. A lecture, book, podcast won’t suffice. The direct access to the tools used by other Men in their day to day struggles- this is priceless.

5. A deeply Inspiring, Male only non-politically correct environment

No need to censor your words. No need to refrain from topics that you’d otherwise not discuss in public. This is a place to be raw, real, and direct. Zero political correctness. If you’re sick and tired of the soft, politically correct, ultra-sensitive modern world—you’ve come to the right place.

6. Strive towards Self Actualisation

Grow into becoming the best version of yourself. Be the Hero of your own life journey.

Refine your thoughts. Identify & create & move towards your Purpose.

Become smarter, wiser, more alert, more dedicated.

Be a part of other committed drive men all Pushing themselves to the next level.

7. Increase soft and technical knowledge

Learn from multiple Men having diverse careers. Experts in their own fields will crystallize key points for the benefit of other members, in a simple manner. This isn’t limited to philosophy but the real world, actionable advice too.

Your problems, Your circumstances, Your challenges… They aren’t Unique my friend.

You think they are, because you’re navigating the Great journey of Life alone.

In addition to everything above, you’ll also receive the following bonuses :

1. Uninhibited Direct access to me + Unlimited direct access to any/all other members.
2. Flat 50% Discount on a one hour – one on one consultation with me (if you so desire). Thus Instead of 200$ per hour. It would be 100$ for a one-hour consultation.


I myself have immensely benefited from the writings of and exchanges with other men and continue to benefit. A place like this is what every man needs, now more than ever in this anti-male world.After all, a hunter can only be taught how to hunt by other hunters.

– Mike (Germany)

The Fatehshernu Community lives up to its core purpose. Before I joined, something led me to believe this isn’t one of those get hype at a particular service, once you get it, hype is gone. No, not even close. I’ve really gained an immense amount of insight being a part of this group and learning from Fateh (from his twitter).
I knew he’d be trustworthy for the value he drops upon his audience. Neva really had much male figures to pass knowledge down, just my brain and learning from others experiences. Being in this group amplifies that x 20. Not only do you learn from Fateh & the men involved but share yours as well. Win win imo.

– LJ Smith (Kentucky, US)

The Fatehshernu community for me has been a place to interact and scoop thoughts from strong, diverse, and upwardly mobile men who have all eaten the red pill and have committed themselves to growth. We share our problems and objectively assess viable paths to solutions. For me it has been an interesting journey specifically due to conversations around manliness. These conversations have improved some of my physical relationships.

– Zik Dimeji Mudele (Italy)

The group of men Fateh has gathered around him is as diverse as it is impressive. Men of medicine, law and science; men of means and learning—men of substance. Although the group is brand new, many of them already feel like friends. The community is buzzing with purpose-driven discussion, and Fateh is effortless and masterful in curating and guiding the conversation, bringing out the best in each participant as the conversation evolves, adding morsels of poised sagacity at the perfect moments. Never lecturing, and never wasting a single syllable, Fateh’s wisdom nourishes and bolsters the spirit, and ennobles the mind. He amplifies my own inner authenticity in a way no other mentor ever has, and his words repair what the neurotic distractions of modern society weaken and sap within me. He is a counselor of the soul—stern, resolute, thoughtful, and so clearly belonging to a continuity of prudence that connects us to a better, more substantive era, to the shining path that our wisest, strongest ancestors walked. Every day I am galvanized, humbled and improved by something I’ve read in this room, and I can’t wait to see what this community is capable of as we come together under our mentor’s ardent guidance.

– Tim Parker (Portland, Oregan, US)

The group chat with Fateh and the rest of the other men in there is powerful. It is what it says it is, a group of men who all have the same core desire of improving themselves within and without. It’s a really amazing place to be because i’m able to talk about anything without fear of being judged and everyone can pitch in their 2 cents. This chat has quickly became like a family of guys i haven’t even met yet but that just goes to show how powerful the energy is. I’ve been able to help myself by just speaking with honesty in here and have also helped others as well. Truly a beautiful thing to be apart of this community. Thank you for creating this Fateh, i appreciate you greatly 🙏🏽

– Bryan (Brazil)

Finding men who see the world as it is now with the mentality to think that “this is bullshit”-to find people with that mindset is quite difficult when you’re surrounded by people/slaves addicted nothing more than scrollingi endlessly on instagram and living an overall – waste – of a life. In such a scenario, to have a community of people who want to improve their own life, discuss problems, figure out solutions is really something valuable to have and is something I’m enjoying having so far.

– Akhil.K.G (Kollam, Kerala, India)

It’s great to be a part of a tribe of like minded men from all over the world and get such diverse perspectives on so many topics. Also Fateh Singh’s depth of knowledge is absolute gold. Glad to be a part of this !

– Saahil (India)

It is hard in our world today to find people that give honest feedback and answer deep questions that most are afraid to ask. If one is trying to move forward and become their best, this isi essential. Everyone should drive to build such a network in real life, and fortunately Fateh’s community is one way someone can expose themselves to an open and honest network. A lot of people in this community are trying to assist each other and improve on the journey that is life.

Thank you Fateh

– Hrid Biswas (US)

The Fatehshernu community is a collective of moral, powerful, inquisitive, focused, productive, father-like guiding gentlemen that most young men today lack in their lives. You can learn about crucial topics here that no conventional source can teach you and help you grow into a man of character and honour. If you are looking for inspiration, guidance, and answers, join the community and be forever grateful.

– Rishi (India)

Since I’ve joined this group a couple of weeks ago I’ve learned truths that have already had a transformative impact on my perspective and mindset on many areas of life. It’s great to have people to relate to and learn valuable life lessons from being one of the youngest in the group. Priceless to be honest.

– Tahmud (England)

Solid conversations with ambitious men about topics ranging from red pill ideology and it’s different applications in business, health, and relationships. Great way to get feedback or break down ideas/events with men from different walks of life

- Kevin (Atlanta, US)

This group is a unique one, because it has men who have fallen and who are falling and are getting up consistently. Various backgrounds, life experiences ensure you get drilled in with executionable plans. It’s taught me to be independent in my thinking, finances, decision making, family growth. The group gives men clear actionable advice on the practical aspects of living life on a day to day basis, which is brilliant, in my opinion.

– Puneet (India)

This group’s been great for me. Being able to talk to a bunch of guys like this is great. I’m able to get help and give help or just throw ideas out there and see what everyone thinks. It’s really helpful since a lot of the guys in here have been through similar situations to me and they can advise me.

– Matt (Duluth,U.S)

I  was actively unfollowing political accounts on Twitter and figuring out more useful stuff to read when I chanced upon Fateh’s account and his pinned tweet. At first, I wasn’t sure if I really understood what was being offered. I still made the leap and decided to join in. Lately, as I am nearing 40, I am more than open to trying out new ways of thinking, operating, living, having been no more the average male (but with huge expectations of myself).
It has been an eye opener. I have had friends all through but never have we figured out some of these things (never discussed) and the importance of why “men” need to be together and talk to each other. The group has opened my mind to the possibility of questioning my as-is constructs/paradigms. I am a father of a 6 year old son, and it is even helping me make more active choices in my role as a father.
Fateh makes necessary interjections on the group, all with the intention of pushing us out of the cocoons that we men have built around us. He is as clear as he is on his twitter feed. If you get thinking on reading his tweets, the group will make you act. That there is a set of men all wanting to act and help each other do this, is very motivating. There are times when you need to pull yourself out and get acting, that’s when I go to the group and just browse through. More times than not, I am closely able to relate to the chatter box in my head. In addition, Fateh’s input on a healthy mind and biochemistry have put me on a path where I am definitely feeling more man than I have ever been.

Must try, you will reinvent yourself!

-Rohan (Dubai)

I just want to thank Fateh for creatingi this group. Being in this group for 3 days, I’ve able to learn so much from everyone around. Everyone here is so kind and helpful. It feels like I can share or discuss anything in this group and wouldn’t worry about someone judging me. This is the best feeling I’ve had in my whole life.
This is one of the best investment I’ve ever made and once again I’m grateful for even being among so many great men.

– Anmol Malhotra (India)

Joining the Fateh Shernu Community definitely a game change. We are a group of men, fathers, and business leaders who continue advancing on a relentless path to excellence. It’s great to walk among these brave gentlemen.

– Gustavo (Brazil)

Its exactly like Fateh said. Thanks to his group and the recommended books you’ll receive a “missing lesson from a father”. That is what I was looking for. I’m very happy that I can speak with so many people that are willing to take the control over their life and so significantly improve it.

– Lukaszel Kuzynski (Gdynia, Poland)

I was able to pick up few concepts/topics that were discussed in this group and able to apply. So far the results are positive and I am sure that it will be much more learning in the coming days.
Also, it is a great platform to have people from different locations and aspirations share their business ideas, strategies ,success and failure stories. This will definitely inspire others to learn and apply.

Pavan Vallamsetti (India)

An online symposium. A place to discuss & explore ideas with inspired people. Being a part of this diverse group has helped me to stay on my toes, given perspective and direction. No BS, root of problems are identified and action pointers are discussed. A great opportunity to talk to experts from diverse backgrounds with candor, enthusiasm and wisdom. The only requirement is action. Take action.

Bhupinder Singh Negi (Delhi, India)

Fateh is building a much needed community for men in a world that is numbing everyone with instant gratification. The numbing is making a world full of young people who aren’t ready to be leaders for their families, communities, and most importantly, themselves.
His leadership in bringing up relevant topics centered around the growth of individuals in the community is helping men think and act with their growth in mind. It is giving young men a chance to belong to a group of men who are pushing each other to be better everyday.
The world needs many more of these communities if it has to face the challenges of the future – leaders who can do well for themselves and serve the world as a result.

– Sudeep (Bangalore, India)

Joining this community was one of thei best decisions so far in my journey of “self improvement. As this is a closelyknit community of highly ambitious individuals, I have immensely benefited from my interactions with them.

-Nandakishor Nair (India)

Looking for actionable wisdom in today’s polarized and ‘analysisparalysis’ world is like finding a needle in the haystack. And when I say actionable wisdom, I’m talking about an idea, a coach, a platform, a “whatever you want to call it’- where virtues of discernment and dissent are encouraged and thoroughly applied. Wisdom that propels you to act, not just consume, but create. The Fateh Shernu Community has given me a boost in this regard-getting the perspective solid, and then acting on it -with discernment., The knowledge sharing is relevant and abundant, the suggestions bang on-as they come in variety, with men from diverse professional backgrounds, unique life experiences, multiple geos and agegroups. The best part-it’s supportive, unfitered, raw and in-your face.

-Kundan (New Delhi, India)

I can’t emphasise how important it is today to take like by the horns, carve out your space on this planet, and get everything life has to offer. And I can’t think of a better place to do it then Fateh Singh’s community. This isn’t about finding guys who agree with you, it’s about finding people with the guts and convictions enough to challenge your ideas and allow theirs to be challenged too.

-Sharach (Austin, U.S)









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